2011, Collaboration between Elena Khurtova, Virginie Rebetez and Marie Ilse Bourlanges
residency program at HMK {Hotel Maria Kapel} in Hoorn, NL
Encapsulated Stories is a project by three artists, coming from different backgrounds and fascinations. In HMK, they join their interests in a project dealing with the physical and fictional history of architecture, and of HMK’s architecture in particular. Before HMK’s guesthouse was an orphanage, it also functioned as a monastery. The adjacent Maria Chapel also functioned as a Catholic Church, ammunition storage and a Protestant Church.
In executing their physical research on HMK, Bourlanges, Khurtova and Rebetez are dedicated as a ‘forensic team on a crime scene’, searching for tactile traces of stories of HMK’s previous users and residents.
Void, Turning Point, Element : opening speech for the opening of Encapsulated Stories by Mark Leegsma, 12 June 2011